The Male Body And The Masculinity Police

leonardo-davinci (Small)

The most culturally acceptable locus of violence is the male body. The policing of masculinity assures this fact. Call this policing and violence whatever you want. Call these things The Patriarchy™ if you want, but neither of these things are male privilege and neither of these things are male domination. I prefer to call these things the lived-experiences of men.

I generally dislike “The Good Men Project” because most of their articles are milquetoast and because they try to understand the lived-experiences of men through the lens of feminism(s). This is problematic because ALL feminism(s) assume The Patriarchy™ (so far as I can tell) and proceed from that problematic assumption to make what are often wrong-headed assumptions about masculinity and men. However, I will give credit where it is due. Beth Leyba wrote this article the other day, “I Hate the Broncos: Daring to Question Whether Football is Worth It.”

In her “daring” article, Leyba gets a few things right. She writes. “Football is a brutal sport that sometimes ends up destroying the lives of those who play it.” She says that she was never a fan of football, but that her apathy about this sort of violence against men “morphed into moral opposition” because of the costliness of the sport.

She notes the physical damage done to men via multiple concussions and relates this to her own experiences with an injury that she suffered on a swing-set. She writes about football being a sport that “literally chews people up and spits them out.” I agree with her, but swing-sets, unlike football, don’t generally chew people up and spit them out. Note how it takes a remotely similar and personal experience of injury before she is willing to toss out her apathy regarding this sort of violence against men. I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt and be kind here because we have similar conclusions about violence against men; though we arrive at these conclusions through very different routes. From her feminist lens, a swing-set accident “has helped to crystallize” her feelings about the grotesque amounts of violence against men that exist in our culture.

I’m not sure that she understands the depths of this violence that permeates our culture, considering how it took the traumatic swing-set accident to cause her to shed her apathy, but she can see that our culture celebrates this violence against men. She notes that “football brings people together” for tailgate parties, for thanksgiving tradition, and etc. Hell, if not for this culturally accepted violence against men, most sports bars would probably not exist.

I just finished watching “Super Bowl XLVIII,” where millions of people all across our country and throughout sports bars tuned in to cheer about this violence against men. I’m not going to link to the tweets, but there were assholes celebrating the fact that Richard Sherman (a player for the Seahawks) suffered an ankle injury during the game.

There is also human cock-fighting, better known as the “UFC.” Yeah, sycophants can dress it up as strategy and as a violent form of chess, but it’s still primarily violence against men. It was only a few weeks ago where millions of people tuned in to watch Anderson Silva kick another man so hard that Silva horrifically broke his own leg.

Anderson Silva Leg Break (Medium)

Anderson Silva Leg Break 2

Anderson Silva Leg Break 3

Look at the suffering of this man. Anybody can see that these sports are a form of violence against men. This fact is so obvious…just look at him.

It shouldn’t take a traumatic swing-set injury for a woman (especially a feminist who is supposed to be knowledgeable about gender issues) to acknowledge this fact and sweep aside her “apathy” about this violence. It shouldn’t take one’s own personal experience with a loosely related concussive injury to bring about the empathy needed to understand such blatant suffering of men.

If you can’t see this suffering, or if you’ve only now begun to see it, perhaps you have been blinded to it because your theories about The Patriarchy™ have blinded you to it. Perhaps you have been so busy in-fighting with other feminists and jockeying for status on various feminist hierarchies of oppression that you have simply failed to see the obvious. These men are not dominating. These men are submitting to a culture that glorifies violence against them. These men are submitting to a culture that demands their suffering through the policing of masculinity.

We live in a culture where violence against men is not only culturally permissible, it is celebrated as heroic. Our president and congress perpetuates this norm. President Obama delivered one of the biggest standing ovations at the SOTU address. (You can watch the ovation here.) The ovation was for Cory Remsburg. It was an ovation to celebrate his heroics—being deployed 10 times by our military, having his body mutilated and sacrificed, paralyzed, blinded. The standing ovation was a policing of masculinity such that men-as-cannon-fodder are praised. Our entire congress cheered about the dehumanization of this man. They cheered that he was put through a meat grinder and spit out as a hero “who never quit.”

“Ahhh…but these are adult men who are well-paid to take these risks and subject their bodies to violence,” say fans and apologists of violent sports and the military. I say rubbish. These men were all conditioned via culture to “be a man.” One of the first questions I was asked when I spoke with military recruiters was whether or not I played high-school football. I don’t think this was any sort of unusual question asked by military recruiters. It makes sense that the military would want boys and young men who have a history of having had their personhood mutilated through violent “sport.” Hell, one of the first things done to young men, when entering the military, is the shaving of their heads—to try and strip young men of individual personhood differences—making new recruits a gaggle of “maggots.”

This conditioning (abusing) starts at a young age. Take, for example, the horrific show, “Friday Night Tykes.” It’s all about the policing of masculinity in boys, making them into violent monsters who are willing to harm other boys, robbing boys of their emotional well-being, robbing boys of their personhood, distorting masculinity into this grotesquery of socio-culturally acceptable violent behavior.

This kind of policing of masculinity ensures that the male body becomes the most socio-culturally acceptable locus of violence. This is not male privilege. This is not male domination. This is male submission. These are the lived-experiences of men.

So, when Ms. Leyba and other feminists write about shedding their apathy toward this violence against men, it’s hard for me to take seriously their often made claims about feminism working on men’s issues–how feminism cares about men, and how The Patriarchy™ hurts men too. If Ms. Leyba had actually cared about men, she would never have had apathy about them in the first place.

Ms. Leyba, take off your feminist goggles for a moment and try to understand the lived-experiences of men. You don’t need to be bonked on the head in one of your swing-set accidents to do this. Simply look around. You will see the policing of masculinity. You will see a culture of male submission. You will see the male body as the locus of culturally acceptable violence. That is not male privilege. That is not male domination. Such things are the lived-experiences of men.

[Edit: Part two is published.]

Naomi’s Sweet Honey-hole

Vagina--A New Biography

This book has been out for a while now. I recommend reading it. I like Naomi. She had me at pounding her sweet Princess honey-hole…you know, the one that bestows consciousness upon humanity, without which we’d all just be empty meat sacks, husks of men. Anywhore, this is not a review of her or her sweet honey-hole. This is a review of the reviews about her sweet honey-hole on Amazon.

 Naomi Wolf

Here is a photo of the person behind the sweet honey-hole biography. Notice how she drips with the sweet feminist nectar-of-life. Yeah, admit it. It’s OK to fantasize about being her Winnie the Pooh and invading her sweet honey-pot. I’ll bet it makes her produce even more feminist nectar-of-life to know that manginas fantasize about stimulating her sweet honey-hole, about blowing a massive load, a 300 million sperm army all up inside her honey-hole. It makes her nectar-of-life flow like the conscious-stream of an artist hyped up on cocaine.  Hell, billions of manginas beating off to her all at once will probably bestow upon humanity a unity-consciousness for all. Imagine it. Billions of manginas focused on her, beating off to her, all blowing their loads in unison, all for the sake of bestowing a unity-consciousness upon humanity.

Move over Wi-Fi. Naomi’s sweet honey-hole, in conjunction with billions of masturbating manginas, will raise consciousness to such a great degree that humanity will undergo a rapid evolutionary shift, the next great stage of humanity will be achieved—a gynocentric-telepathy. That’s right. “Ma Bell” and the old clamshell Nokia phones were a foreshadowing of the stylish new clamshell gynophones. You gotta do it boys. Beat your meat for Naomi—for all humanity.

So now that we’ve established the importance of mangina masturbation, the “Ma Bell” clamshell “Goddess Array,” the gynophone unity-consciousness, and the evolutionary shift, let’s have a look at the some of the reviews made by members of the Church-of-Vagina (and other non-denominational vagtheists), as well as some reviews made by anti-vagtheists.

 Deb Bybee

I was pleased by this review. It’s the work of a medium-functioning semi-literate. Unlike so many full-blown illiterates, she manages to use written language as a tool to convey the fact that men need to read this book about Naomi’s sweet honey-hole in order to understand the “seemingly inexplicable” behavior of women. Ms. Bybee expresses that her sons should read about Naomi’s honey-hole, especially since they will start dating. Reading between the lines here, I see that Ms. Bybee is concerned that her sons should know how to read between the legs (if you know what I mean) of the women they will soon be dating. She doesn’t want to raise boys into men who don’t know how to stimulate the clit. Yep, gotta teach those boys to flick and lick—rock that little man in the boat.

I give this review 3 limp penises out of 5.


BooksJJS’ review is a must read for any woman gullible enough to believe that society and self can be healed through better stimulation of the clit and through a better understanding of the sexual wiring of women. This review is also important for women who are jealous of “high speed online porn.” For any woman who wants to shame her partner about beating it to somebody else, this review is important to you because you will learn how to shame your partner about his sexuality, all the while dragging him into a goddess-cult of beliefs that bolster your own sexuality as some sort of magical “Goddess Array.”

I give this review 5 limp penises out of 5.


This review by mangina “mack” explains that there must be some sort of science behind the goddess-cult that he has been worshipping. This review is important for any mangina who hasn’t been able to purge all his patriarchal logic. Shame on him and all his kind.

I give this review 1 limp penis out of 5.

 Debra K. McCall

Ms. McCall’s review is short and sweet and for anybody who loves pussy. If you want to experience “intimate love,” get down on your fucking knees and worship the sweet honey-hole goddess.

I give this review 2 limp penises out of 5.


Sir “eric” has provided us with a perfect review, flawless—a shining example of coherency, logic, and truth about the goddess-cult. “It’s a book about vagina.”

I give this review 0 limp penises out of 5.

 Douglas Macnab

This review by “douglas macnab” is a prime example of a practically illiterate mangina. Notice how there are 2 properly placed periods—something that manginas do understand about women, their filthy vaginas.

I give this review 4 limp penises out of 5.

 Robert S. Blaisdell

This review by “Robert S. Blaisdell” appeals to any mangina who wants to make himself a useful tool to a woman’s sexuality. Robert is so happy to be able to please a woman that he practically spooged all over his keyboard while gushing about this book. He is such a good little boy and so proud of his learnings about female genitalia, neurotransmitters, and the brain. He can barely stave off an orgasm long enough to write this review. I’m sure mommy would be very proud of him.

I give this review 3 limp penises out of 5.


A stellar review by “Zidib” reminds us of the fact that if older women can’t find manginas willing to dedicate 3 or 4 hours per day to foreplay, she can always employ the services of a prostitute or even a gigolo. Excellent points, sir.

I give this review 0 limp penises out of 5.

 Physics Math

“Physics Math” has provided us with a review appealing to manginas and other gynocentric sorts who believe that women are “the center of the universe.” If you worship women as goddesses, you should find this review helpful. If you ever feel like hacking off your balls with a machete because you’re not worthy, this book should compel you to find that last bit of courage to carry through with your self-mutilation and sacrifice fantasy.

I give this review 5 limp penises out of 5.

 Ellen E. G. Cusac

It may be hard for some of you men to render 4 hours of foreplay per day, but if you really love your woman, it’s a sacrifice that you must make to maintain a healthy relationship with your woman. If you don’t make this sacrifice for her, you are personally responsible for her lack of orgasms, for her incompleteness of being and for her diminished spirituality. Shame on you! This review by “Ellen E.G. Cusac” is a good review for any woman looking to blame and shame men for a woman’s own inadequacies in the bedroom, in her personal life, and in her spiritual life.

I give this review 3 limp penises out of 5.

 Laura B

Poor victim-women, nobody acknowledges or appreciates them, except for the few “spiritually advanced” mangina pussy-worshipers who pray to the divine mother-goddess for access to pussy.

I give this review 4 limp penises out of 5.

 Alton L. Gilbert

Yes, most books are organized into chapters. It makes them slightly more readable. “Alton L. Gilbert” gives us a review to be expected of a mangina struggling to purge his innate tendency to oppress women with patriarchal things like science and matters of fact. Notice how he ever so subtly attempts to oppress his goddess for making “universal conclusions.” He has to hide his “criticism” behind his being a “scientist.” Don’t worry Alton, mangina “mack” and “Physics Math” will give you the courage to sever your balls and put aside your oppression tendencies so that you can realize your true nature as a subservient worshipper of goddess-vagina and of Naomi’s honey-hole. Amazon can provide you with a fantastic “Estwing” hatchet for hacking off your balls.

 Estwing Hatchet

There are many more reviews and I encourage all to check them. I also encourage all to read more about Naomi’s sweet princess honey-hole. It is important for a man to learn how to muff-dive and please a woman. It makes my cock throb just thinking about getting paid to stimulate a few dozen of Naomi’s multiple orgasms, making her 50 year old flab produce more quivers than a legion of Tolkien’s elves. I can count the money already…god, that money makes me hawt. Being a human-vibrator is so much fun. It’s like being a throbbing, big-veined, cock-god.

It’s also important for billions of manginas to masturbate and blow a load in unison over Naomi’s honey-hole. Until this happens, the “Goddess Array” and unity-consciousness cannot be created. Sadly, without the sacrifices made by these billions of manginas, humanity will be unable to make the next evolutionary leap. Hats off to Naomi for inspiring manginas around the world to worship and for encouraging them to spend 3-4 hours per day on foreplay. It’s a sacrifice all men should be willing to make to gain entrance and membership to the Church-of-Vagina or other vagtheist goddess-cults. It’s nothing but a small tithe to be paid for the privilege of a worldwide mangina circle-jerk of unity-consciousness load-blowing.

Special thanks to the musical genius of Frank Zappa. May he rest in peace.